Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Previous Theses

Metrical Analysis: "..She redefines the word safe, as the unfulfilled promise from Christ of life everlasting. Dickinson successfully accomplishes this task by enhancing meaning using meter to signify the cyclical nature of time, as well as the differentiation of the worlds of the dead and living and their increasing dissociation from one another."

Poetry Comparison: "Lowell and Browning use many of the same literary tools to deliver these experiences, especially in regards to execution of juxtaposition, imagery, and punctuation."

OED Assignment: ". In what follows, I analyze the poem in the context of two definitions of the word “betray.” The first reading conveys the speaker’s desire for membership into the Catholic church, and in the second reading I consider a more deceitful scheme, cross referencing the two interpretations to demonstrate the double-meaning of the poem, that may imply, the speaker’s dilemma of whether or not to reject Catholicism."

Critical Review: Sedgwick manages to address the way in which the definition and nature of sexuality, “both depend on and affect” documented power relationships and raise questions about their application to literature

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