Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Sample Idea for the OED paper

The word relic as used by John Donne in his Poem “The Relic”

1. The poem’s satirical and critical quality is enhanced through use of the word, relic.

a. When defined as the physical remains of a saint, martyr or other deceased person, the poem can be seen is as a slight at the church’s as due to his invocation of Mary Magdelen in the line that follows.

b. Defined as surviving trace of some practice or idea, the relic of two lovers becomes a critique on society and possibility of love becoming a lost idea. The definition of the relic in this sense also is a shot at men and not women, as “all women shall adore us and some men.” Men control society and love being a relic in this sense is better appreciated by women only some men because it is men that are in power.

c. The definition of a relic as a remnant after destruction also supports the idea mentioned above. It also makes the poem a scathing critique of all parties mentioned in the poem as they are source of the destruction causing the loving couple to become relics.

d. Depending on how one decides to define the relic as used by Donne, the poem can range from mildly amusing to controversial.

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